Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Dinner Party!

"Summer afternoon-- Summer afternoon; to me those have always been the most beautiful words in the English Language". ~ Henry James

I invited a friend and her husband over last night for an impromptu dinner party. They were both so helpful to me in pulling off my son's graduation party at my house last week that I wanted to thank them personally. It gave us a chance to catch up over a simple summer meal.
I baked a summer vegetable tart, tossed a Ceasar salad, made a Caprese salad and then whipped fresh cream to spoon over just ripe strawberries and blueberries for dessert.
The dinner was delicious-light and just picked ingredients, easy to prepare and healthy like a good summer meal should be. Yet what really made me happy was to know that I am loved and cared for by such good friends. And that since summer always seems to pass by in a flash we took the opportunity to chat outdoors under the night sky on my patio after dinner.

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